Brewery Moscow-EFES

Brewery Moscow-EFES

Efes Rus is one of the brewing companies on the Russian market, a division of the international company Anadolu Efes. Efes Rus has six breweries in Kaluga, Ufa, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Ulyanovsk and Vladivostok, and one malt complex. The group includes the enterprises OJSC PO KV-Solodovpivo, LLC KV-SibPivKompaniya, OJSC Amstar.

Location: Vladivostok
Date of implementation: 2014-2015
Objective of the project: Modernization and automation of CCT and headroom ”, 6 new CCT tanks and 9 new WME tanks, modernization of CIP.
  • Project Development
  • Delivery of strapping
  • Installation
  • Programming
  • Commissioning

Brewery Moscow-EFES