Global steel production fell for the first time in 2021

World crude steel production in 64 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 156.8 million tonnes (Mt) in August this year, down 1.4% from the same month a year earlier. In 2021, production fell for the first time.
Asia and Oceania were the largest steel producing regions, with production of 112.7 million tonnes in August this year. The second largest producer was the EU-27 region with 11.6 million tonnes smelted. North America came in third with 10.2 million tonnes of production. Smelting (in million tonnes) in other regions is as follows: Africa ( 1.3 million tons). ), CIS (8.8), Rest of Europe (4.5), Middle East (3.6) and South America (4.0).
All regions, with the exception of Asia and Oceania, showed an increase in crude steel production compared to the same period last year. Production grew the most in Africa, up 38.2% from the month of the previous year. In the regions of North America and the 27 EU countries, production growth was recorded by 24.4% and 27.1%, respectively. Production in the South American region grew by almost 17.2%. In the rest of Europe, production also increased by 11.7%. In the CIS region, production increased by 3.6% over the previous year. Smelting in the Middle East rose 10.9%. In contrast, in the Asia and Oceania region, production declined 7.3% year on year.
China became the leader in steel production, the volume of production in August this year amounted to 83.2 million tons. Other key producers were India (9.9 Mt) and Japan (7.9 Mt).
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